Tips for Maintaining a Healthy and Attractive Lawn

One of the easiest things you a property owner can do to make the lawn more attractive is getting rid of weeds. Every lawn will spot some weeds at some point in time so every property owner should know how to identify and get rid of them. When removing weeds on your lawn, uproot the entire weed including the roots using a handheld weeder. The three common types of handheld weeders readily available in the market include but are not limited to leverage weeders, fishtail weeders, and Japanese weeders. A hoe is also an effective alternative to handheld weeders for removing weeds in a garden or lawn. Lawns that are mostly covered by weed can be effectively controlled by using herbicides like glyphosate. These herbicides are directly applied to the weeds according to the application instructions provided by the manufacturers. Most products in the market only work effectively after properly identifying the weeds and then waiting for the right season.

The other common way of quickly maintaining your lawn is by dethatching it. Organic debris such as dead grass and roots normally accumulate in open fields which ultimately encourages the growth of weeds. Smart property owners carry out regular inspections for thatch layers that are more than one inch. Thatch can be easily removed using a power dethatcher or thatching rake. It will take an additional three weeks for the lawn to regain its beauty after getting rid of thatch patches.

The other thing you should strive to do when maintaining your lawn is aerating it. During the inspection, be on the lookout for compaction problems on your lawn. This is easily done by digging a small section of the lawn then closely examining the roots of plants growing on that section. Healthy plants should have roots that extend 2 inches or more into the ground. If you find roots that are no deeper than 2 inches, then you need to immediately start aerating the lawn. Before you begin the process of aeration, try to water the lawn at least two days prior. After completing aerating the lawn, get fresh compost or sand then apply it over the aerated area.

According to case studies conducted by organizations in the real estate sector, a large percentage of property owners do not have adequate time in their schedules to properly maintain their lawns. This is why the demand for lawn care services has been on the rise for a few years now. A professional lawn care service will be able to carry out all these tasks and more that maintains your lawn consistently. In fact, most professional lawn care services are affordable to the average homeowner so the industry has been growing at a steady pace. Since there are many professional lawn care services in various cities, choosing a reliable one might be daunting especially for homeowners doing it for the first time. Consider the reputation of a professional lawn care service before making a final hiring decision.

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